

THE AFTERPARTY showcased an epic romance story through the look and feel of THE LEGENDS OF THE FALL. And in so doing, it gave viewers the best episode of the season.   

Ulysses (John Cho) had much to say about his past and present journey. His character entwined ballroom dance and true love to create a larger-than-life tale that included betrayal and regret. Now we can understand where “funcle” came from and why those “Dutch babies” are so important and delicious. Better yet, his hat, white horse, and sport coat now make perfect sense. The writers nailed a stunning, powerful story of intrigue, pathos, and DNA testing. Kudos!

THE AFTERPARTY is running out of suspects. I can’t wait to find out “who done it,” but only if the remaining episodes are as superbly written as ULYSSES.

It is available to stream on APPLE tv+.     

Esta Rosevear

Esta Rosevear has been a Theatre Arts teacher and director for 35+ years, published Children’s author of the Rebecca series, and is passionate about playing her violin, walking, gardening, and reading murder mysteries.

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