

SEX EDUCATION ended its brilliant run with inclusivity and hope. There were bittersweet, poignant, sad, and joyous moments among the talented ensemble of high schoolers and their parents as they grappled with changing, maturing bodies and emotions. 

In this final season, they scattered the cast members and their stories deeply to make showcase each individual’s growth. It worked like a charm, drawing viewers into their character’s doubts, insecurities, and sexual tensions. The writers brought up many diversified issues, such as the beginning journey of a transgender person, feeling at “home” in a church that does not recognize the gay community, depression after pregnancy, learning how to love and forgive yourself, and knowing your self-worth whether you sit in a wheelchair or have been abused. And they bring all this up to the surface with humor, wit, truth, and honesty. Anyone who watches this show will be treated to a front-row seat of education. 

SEX EDUCATION provided respect and dignity for how they wanted to complete their series. It is rare to watch a show of this caliber. I will miss my “therapy session” and blunt advice. SEX EDUCATION improved our world through its positive outlook on relationships and our ever-evolving society. Bravo. It is available to stream on Netflix.

Esta Rosevear

Esta Rosevear has been a Theatre Arts teacher and director for 35+ years, published Children’s author of the Rebecca series, and is passionate about playing her violin, walking, gardening, and reading murder mysteries.

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