

And just like that, the RESERVATION DOGS are finally going to California. Crap, never mind. Per the spirit/vision that visits Bear, who tells him, ” I don’t have any answers, only questions,” the dogs have some unfinished business to handle. And that unfinished business may or may not be to fight the rival gang audiences have been waiting to see.

Alas, RESERVATION DOGS is so much more intelligent than that. As the emotional storm brews amongst the dogs and the other gang, so to is a physical storm in the form of a tornado. This emotional storm uses the classic trope of putting all characters in one location to hash it out – but to colossal success. In these moments, the show reveals itself to be about how quickly loneliness can turn into a loss.

A sad fact I recently read. “Native Americans make up less than 1 percent of the population of America. 0.8 percent of 100 percent.” Being less than 1% has to feel isolating, and it makes sense why Daniel’s (played in flashbacks by Dalton Cramer) death is even more tragic.

This show is so freaking timeless. Like Brownie, I want to throw a pickaxe into a tornado and challenge Hollywood to make more diverse stories as surprisingly impactful as RESERVATION DOGS.

It’s on the shortlist as one of the best series in 2021 and available on Hulu FX.

Aaron "Dobler" Goldstein

Aaron Goldstein is a Product Manager by day, ludicrous speed content consumer by night. He’s a LA Film School Alumni and TV Academy / Producers Guild of America member. Aaron is a proud parent and dad joke enthusiast.

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