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INVINCIBLE is what happens when you blend the style of 90’s Saturday morning cartoons, THE BOYS violence, and RICK AND MORTY zaniness. How else can I say anything other than this show is bloody amazing!

Robert Kirkman’s INVINCIBLE achieves the sad brilliance of RICK AND MORTY and BOJACK HORSEMAN. Each creator wisely takes a concept and twists it to emotional payoffs audiences are not expecting. BOJACK goes from being a situational visual gag comedy to an anti-hero story even more tragic than BREAKING BAD. RICK AND MORTY is an absurd sci-fi nerdgasm that turns into an exploration of Rick’s alcoholism and loneliness. While INVINCIBLE starts as just fun violence, that evolves with devasting “daddy issue” consequences. These three cartoons have more humanity in them than most live-action TV. It took RICK AND MORTY three seasons for their reveal and BOJACK had a slower burn than MAD MAN. Yet INVINCIBLE impressively did it in just eight episodes!

With only one bad outing, there’s nothing to stop INVINCIBLE from ever “kinda looking dead.” The theme, “Sometimes people aren’t who they appear to be, but helping someone is never beneath you,” is sure to be the core conflict in future seasons.

This is the best new TV show of 2021 and all episodes are now available on Prime Video. I cannot wait to watch Mark attempt to “finish high school” next year.

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